Vitamin E helps you Sport Healthy Hair

Vitamin E helps you Sport Healthy HairThere are many factors that can make you look great, and healthy hair definitely tops the list. It’s important to practice a diet rich in vitamin E if you’re keen to keep your hair healthy and good-looking. Any deficiency in this vitamin can affect hair growth in significant terms and leave you with dull, lifeless hair. Taking stock of the foods and supplements that offer vitamin E in sufficient amounts allows you to overcome this problem and sport shiny hair that worthy of the catwalk.

How Much Vitamin E Do I Need?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that has the ability to enhance hair growth and add shine to your hair. Include vitamin E supplements to your diet in natural forms such as alpha-tocopherol, considered to be the most active among the eight different forms of the vitamin in the human body.

Before actually listing what to eat to acquire vitamin E, it’s essential to know how much vitamin E your body needs to maintain the right balance. The dietary reference intake for vitamin E is based on the alpha-tocopherol form, and the recommended dietary allowance varies depending on age. While infants below 6 months require 1 milligram per day, the requirement for adults is 15 mg/day.

Excellent Foods for Your Vitamin E Needs

Eggs, green leafy vegetables, nuts, meat, poultry, vegetable oils, olive oil, whole grams, and fortified cereals are among the well-known foods that contain vitamin E in fair amounts. You can also rely on vitamin E supplements to turn your hair healthy and look glossy. If you’re on a special diet it’s wise to consult your dietician on the required dosage so that you adhere to the proper daily allowance recommendation.

There is no need to worry anymore about unhealthy hair; vitamin E supplements help you attain sufficient levels of the most important vitamin your hair requires. In addition to improving blood circulation in your scalp, vitamin E also serves to keep your hair follicles healthy to promote rich hair growth.

If you want to make sure you don’t suffer from vitamin E deficiency, practice a rich diet that is guaranteed by natural forms of vitamin E, and supplement with d-alpha tocopherol succinate.

Inositol Stabilizes Hair Cell Membranes

Inositol Stabilizes Hair Cell MembranesInositol is a member of the B vitamin group and plays several important roles in the body from helping cells to keep their integrity to metabolizing fats and cholesterol. Inositol can also be found in fiber rich foods such as beans, brown rice, corn, and sesame seeds.

While the whole vitamin B family is important to maintain a healthy head of hair, inositol is a stabilizer for cell membrane, and works as an antioxidant on the follicles of hair. It’s believed that it shields hair follicles from membrane damage caused by the build-up of oxidized cholesterol in the scalp, and can play a central role as a monophosphate.

Recent studies have shown that inositol can be used to promote healthy hair growth as used in a supplement form to prevent hair loss. laboratory tests have shown that a diet lacking in Inositol can lead to balding but by taking supplements and eating foods rich in inositol that the balding can not only be reversed but new hair can start growing again.

Not all baldness is caused by the same issues so you definitely want to consult with a medical doctor before beginning and regimen of supplements. If the doctor finds that you are deficient in multiple B vitamins including inositol then you can discuss the best way to re-introduce inositol back into your system. It’s believed the natural form of the vitamins from foods works best as higher percentages of the nutrition are absorbed, but it is certainly the case that supplements including inositol monophosphate can be used as well to great success.

After some time using either supplements or eating natural foods containing the B complex vitamin you should see some change in your hair loss and indeed you might even start growing new hair!


Do Sulfate Shampoos Really Damage the Hair?

Do Sulfate Shampoos Really Damage the Hair? Consumers are growing more concerned about the ingredients available in their shampoos. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate especially has become a hot topic on all hair and beauty product forums. Many claim that this chemical compound is responsible for causing problems affecting both the scalp and hair itself. Question is: is there truth to these claims.

Sadly, the answer is yes.

Sulfates are commonly used as lathering agents in your shampoo. Their main purpose is to cleanse the hair from dirt and dust. However, using sulfate shampoos will get more than dirt. The chemical reacts with your scalp and hair, causing dangerous side effects you could do without. To give you an idea of what problems you can expect, here are four common side effects.

  • Dry Hair – Your scalp and hair will be deprived of the essential oils that keep your hair moisturized.  As a result, it will go dryer than normal.
  • Itchy Scalp – As your hair turns dry due to the addition of sulfate to your shampoo, you scalp may develop dandruff. As a result, it may start feeling tight and itchy.
  • Hair Loss – Since your hair and the follicles suffer extensive damage, substantial hair loss will follow. You may start losing more hair quickly if you don’t rinse shampoo out of your hair.
  • Fading of Hair Color – Sulfates are quite aggressive in nature. While they may be great for cleansing your hair, they can leave it dull and force you to live with faded locks.

So if you have a few sulfate shampoos in your bathroom, it’s about time that you dump them for a safer alternative. The simplest way to avoid this harmful ingredient is by screening the labels of your new shampoo before buying it. However, you can always choose a natural product instead to steer away from chemicals altogether.


Sarsaparilla – Full of Rooty Goodness

Sarsaparilla - Full of Rooty GoodnessLet’s talk about sarsaparilla root, what it can do for your health, and how it might be able to help you with a variety of different conditions that you might have. It may seem like a strange choice of plant to be considered a great source of nutrients, but emerging research is showing sarsaparilla root may be a great way to treat some skin conditions, and to have a powerful effect on how fast and how thick one’s hair grows.

Not Just a Tasty Drink

Sarsaparilla root, as with many things good for our health, comes from a plant. People have been using the root of this plant for centuries but it wasn’t until the 1400’s that the sarsaparilla root became available in European countries. If you’ve heard of sarsaparilla before, it’s probably because you’ve heard of the drink that became very popular. Perhaps you are not aware though that a pharmacist originally came up with the idea for the Sarsaparilla drink.

What Can Sarsaparilla Do for Me?

Number one, sarsaparilla helps to purify the blood and provide relief for inflammation and spasms of the muscles. So, if you have any type of condition that causes inflammation or muscle spasm, sarsaparilla is a lesser-known root you should definitely get your hands on. It’s also been known to work well as an antiseptic.

What Makes It So Powerful?

The sarsaparilla root has a ton of nutrients in it, including selenium and iron. These ingredients can be used to help with gout and fevers. Sarsaparilla is also suggested for a variety of different problems related to the skin and hair. A study has shown that sarsaparilla root is good for treating psoriasis and allergies.

Sarsaparilla root has also been shown to be potentially powerful at helping to grow or regrow hair. It’s been used in the past by Native Americans for this purpose, and has seen a modern resurgence in use.


Thiamin’s Effect on You and Your Hair

Thiamin’s Effect on You and Your HairThiamin, also known as vitamin B1 is beneficial in hair growth, and health in general. The primary use your body has for thiamin is in the process of metabolization (we’ll get to this). Thiamin is naturally found in many foods, including meat, grins, beans, and similar products. You’ll also find it in foods artificially injected with thiamin, and in B1 supplements.

Thiamin has a number of great uses in the body including boosting the immune system, handling cataracts, canker sores, heart problems, and it can even reverse or prevent premature hair loss.

Without thiamin in your diet you will most likely suffer unhealthy hair, loss of hair, loss of appetite, and a number of immune system disorders. Overdosing on thiamin is difficult to do due to its nature as a water soluble vitamin. Excesses of vitamin B1 present in the body will be flushed out regularly by the process of going to pee. In other words, unless you are specifically trying to overdose on thiamin you are not going to!

If you find yourself low on thiamin and suffering symptoms of low thiamin then you may want to increase the amount in your normal diet by eating foods that contain it and possibly trying out a vitamin b supplement.

Thiamin helps the body produce ATP, which acts as energy for cells. It also helps to overcome stress. A major cause for damage to your hair and a big cause for hair loss is indeed stress and dealing with stressful conditions. Better adapting to and handling stress and stressful conditions with thiamin will prevent damage to your hair and your hair’s health. Thanks to its boost to your immune system, it can help prevent stress from illnesses and nasty colds.

Everything about thiamin is natural and necessary for your body. Thiamin is not some sort of magical drug; it is just a basic component that your body needs as fuel to do what it does. Keep your hair and body healthy by giving them what they need.


Folate is an Essential Vitamin for Hair Health

Folate is an Essential Vitamin for Hair HealthFolate and folic acid are two almost identical vitamins that vary slightly in their chemical formula but have essentially the same beneficial effects for one’s nutrition and hair health. The vitamin is found in green, leafy vegetables like spinach or broccoli, in legumes, such as peas, beans or lentils, and in a variety of fruits.

The importance of folate derives from its ability to stimulate the growth and cell regeneration process in the body. It is widely considered to be a factor in growth because it accelerates tissue repair and healing after prolonged disease or intense physical exercise.

Folate is among the most important vitamins not only for humans, but also for other animals and even bacteria. For example, there are antibiotics used for medical purposes to treat bacterial infections that kill bacteria by inhibiting their ability to use folate for their growth and multiplication. Without folate or folic acid, the bacteria stop growing and soon dies.

In the same manner, the human body needs folate to grow, repair its cells, and replace old cellular structures and components. For example, the hair contains a specific protein called keratin, which offers strength and flexibility.

Folate deficiency in one’s diet can cause the hair to become fragile or grey, and greatly accelerates hair loss. Introducing enough folate in the diet usually results in adequate hair growth. Folate is also very important for individuals who engage in physical work or exercise because it helps repair the muscles and recover faster by stimulating protein production and replacement. Athletes, military personnel and other physically active individuals are encouraged by nutritionists to increase their ingestion of folate or folic acid to satisfy the growing demands for healing, cellular repair and regeneration in their bodies.

A diet rich in “green” vegetables, legumes, and fruits usually provides enough folate for one’s nutritional needs. Fresh juices made from a variety of fruits or vegetables are especially rich in folate.


Vitamin B6, Your Hair, and Your Health

Vitamin B6, Your Hair, and Your HealthVitamin B6 is a rather neat and necessary vitamin that you can find in a lot of common foods such as certain vegetables, meats, fish, milk, and grains that are likely in your diet. It’s also artificially injected into other foods and in supplements. What it does is provide your body with essential enzyme reactions and plays a hefty role in the metabolism.

When combined with azelaic acid, vitamin b6 is known to stimulate hair growth. This does not mean to overdose on vitamin b6 though, as this can have side effects. Instead you should be aiming to keep your levels of vitamin b6 on the healthy side and looking at supplements where your regular levels are insufficient. (Consuming too much vitamin b6 is a bit tricky anyway. It is a water soluble vitamin so any excess that your body cannot handle will be expelled when you go to the toilet. You would have to consume an awful lot of it in a very short period of time in order to hurt yourself.)

By no means is vitamin b6 some kind of magical hair growth elixir, it is just a natural process in the body being fueled by the necessary components. By consuming enough vitamin b6 to keep your body running at full capacity you will see a healthy regrowth of hair in many cases. Should you be seeing hair loss then checking to make sure that your vitamin b6 intake is sufficient can be a great first step to reversing the damage.

Healthy amounts of vitamin b6 will give you a healthy scalp which in turn acts as an excellent place for hair growth. Besides, on the inverse, failure to consume enough vitamin b6 has some nasty negative side effects. You will start becoming depressed and fatigued, as well as feeling weak and irritable. Stay healthy and keep your vitamin b6 levels at a good level.


Make your Hair Zing with Zinc

Make your Hair Zing with Zinc

Crab is a great source for Zinc

If you want to get healthy hair, zinc might be the way to go, as Amino acid chelate is important for hair health. Zinc does amazing things to your hair by allowing the moisture in your scalp, called sebum, to be produced at a faster rate. That means less of that white stuff called dandruff giving you a hard time. It also means that you won’t lose as much hair in the shower or bath, too because the zinc keeps your hair healthy.

When you don’t get enough zinc in your system, you will find that your hair is more prone to breakage. It also will have problems growing again, which you don’t want to happen. Deficient levels of zinc can also be the cause of premature gray hair and hair loss that leads to balding.

So, you’re probably wondering how you can get zinc in your diet. Well, bread has a lot of zinc in it because of the yeast in bread. Also, you will find that meat has zinc in it, so if you love meat you are getting a good amount of zinc in your diet. If you eat seafood like mussels, you are also getting a good amount of zinc in your diet. Pumpkin seeds have zinc in them, so if you like those, you should eat up. Nuts are also a great source of zinc, as well. You can also get zinc if you take certain supplements with amino acid chelate, as well.

You should get around eight milligrams of zinc a day if you’re a women. Men can have as much as eleven milligrams of zinc each day. Don’t take calcium supplements with zinc because they will not work well together.

To conclude, zinc is really great, but you shouldn’t take too much zinc in your diet because it can have the opposite effect of what you intended and you could lose hair.


Selenium Helps Protect your Hair from the Harsh Environment

Selenium Helps Protect your Hair from the Harsh EnvironmentSelenium Helps Protect your Hair from the Harsh Environment

Most of us will lose some of our hair by the time we are fifty, which is unfortunate and annoying. Hair gets thin and dry and brittle, which can lead to hair loss. There are certain nutrients, like selenium, that are really good for the hair and can keep it in better condition. Selenium can help to minimize hair loss if you use it in the right dose. Here’s how it works.

The body needs certain nutrients for all of its tissues, including hair. According to the Huntington College of Health Sciences, a deficiency of selenium in your diet can cause problems with your hair growing the way you would like it to. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that selenium works because it’s an antioxidant that helps to reverse some of the damage in the body from environmental effects. Selenium is also really good for your immune system too. Because of all this, the selenium helps with hair growth.

You are probably now wondering where you can get selenium from. Eat lots of liver and fish to get selenium in your diet. Eat a lot of butter, whole grains, and even garlic to get the selenium your body needs. You can also get selenium in the form of a vitamin as well, but don’t take more than fifty mcg per day. This is because if you take way too much selenium, it can actually become toxic to your body. So, use it in moderation.

You might not know this, but selenium can not only help you to grow your hair, but it’s good for your health overall. It helps with the repair of environmental damage. It can also help with the health of your heart and can help to boost resistance to some kinds of cancer, so it is imperative to have it in your diet.


Keeping your Healthy Hair with Iodine

Keeping your Healthy Hair with IodineIodine is a neat little trace element that our bodies have grown accustomed to having. It is so necessary in our body that iodine deficiency can lead to hair loss, increased chances of cancer cells growing, and serious thyroid problems.

If you’re experiencing hair loss, checking whether you have enough iodine in your diet is a great place to start troubleshooting. If you are not getting enough iodine, you can look for a supplement which contains the recommended daily dose.

Getting a healthy amount of iodine is not hard in the first place, so you may as well ensure you’re getting your fill. You might have noticed that many forms of food will even advertise that they have iodine in them. Take for example iodized salt. Other great sources of iodine are kelp, eggs, and many kinds of sea foods.

For shiny, healthy hair you will want a fair dosage of iodine in your diet. Adequate levels of iodine can help hair regrow if you are experiencing hair loss due to iodine deficiency, and can perhaps improve normal growth.

Just think, a little bit of kelp every few days and your hair will love you for it. Most Americans need it too. Many Americans do not have enough iodine in their diets, which leads to problems with metabolism, premature hair loss, unhealthy hair and skin, and worse problems. Do not starve your body of what it needs if you want to keep it healthy.

There are a lot of products out there that advertise being able to make you regrow your hair or get healthy hair back. Before you go looking for pills and ointments to help your hair, look at giving your body everything that it needs to be healthy first. Put a little bit of iodine in your diet and your hair will be happier for it.


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