Blow Me, Baldie (Does Blow Drying Cause Hair Loss?)

hairYour bathroom counter is littered with various hair styling products, brushes, and your blow dryer and straightening iron – obviously. You are fabulous, and anyone that says otherwise clearly hasn’t noticed your flawless follicles. But will all this primping take its toll later on in life?

Luckily, if you take the necessary preventative measures, it will not. The average blow drying session can damage your hair by burning and stripping your strands of its natural oils, which cause it to fall; however, this may not be permanent. In more extreme cases, though, blow drying can weaken hair shafts, thereby causing – gasp – permanent hair damage.

Fortunately, the right hair care, including beauty products and styling, can prevent damage from blasting your hair into straight submission.

Before You Blow
After showering, blot hair gently to remove excess water – remember, your hair is weakest  and most vulnerable when wet. Apply a leave-in conditioner to lube up your locks, and run a hair pick or wide-tooth comb to let out any tangles or knots. Brush your teeth, apply some make-up, let your hair air dry for a few minutes before actually picking up your handy-dandy blow dryer.

Blow Me, Baby
Alternate between the warm and cool settings on your blow dryer, making sure to not stay in the same spot for too long as this will cause the water in your hair cuticles to heat up, therefore damaging your hair. Make sure to blow dry hair by going with the growth grain to prevent damage to your fragile and precious cuticles.

Last but definitely not least, make sure to keep your hair looking flawless by brushing with a boar-hair bristle brush to evenly distribute oils along your follicles. Now, admire your work. Damn, that full head of hair is looking fierce, and if you keep taking these steps when blow drying your hair, it will be for a very, very long time.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our

*photo courtesy of T.J. Lentz

Gellin’ like a Felon: Do Hair Products Cause Hair Loss?

hairEvery morning, your alarm goes off and you set off on your beauty routine: you brush, primp, goop, dab, and brush again on your way to coif perfection that will last your whole day – but are these styling products causing you to lose your hair? Kind of.

According to Hair Loss Expert, products such as hair sprays, styling gels, and holding creams can cause hair loss if they are used too often. If these substances build up on your treasured tresses, they can weigh hair down, dry it out, or weaken the strands, causing damage to your hair, like breaking, splitting, and – you guessed it – falling out.  The way you style your locks may also indirectly cause hair loss. Blow drying, ironing, and curling your hair may cause damage by burning and drying out your strands.

So now that we know that damaged hair may equal to lost hair, rest assured in the fact that there is still some good news – the hair loss from these products and styling tools may not be permanent.

The biggest culprit? Chemical treatments, such as hair dying, perms, and straightening treatments, can cause permanent damage and major follicle follies.

The reason? Think of your hair as your favorite white shirt with a giant stain that you are just dying to bleach out. You soak and rinse, but oops! You left the solution on too long, and unless you are Regina George, the shirt is now rendered useless. The same can happen to your hair – if an untrained hair professional leaves the solution on too long, uses too much, or treats your hair with the wrong solution for your hair type, hair loss may occur.

The solution? When visiting your stylist, make sure that you go to one that you trust. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and if you are unsure about their products, whip out your smart phone for some quick research – remember, your hair is in their hands.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our

*photo courtesy of Kate Hiscock

Hair Loss Court: The Case of Comb v. Brush

hairYou’ve had a long day, trust me, I know. You’ve just stepped out of the shower, and you’re about to brush your hair before you go to sleep — so which should you reach for, the comb or the brush?

When it comes to the race against your hairline, the proper styling is essential in order to avoid the dreaded comb-over. Although hair loss from brushes and combs is not permanent, it is essential to use the correct ones in order to prevent leaving behind any of strands from your cherished coif in your hair styling tools.

Sink your teeth into this: Ever notice how much hair seems to fall out more when taming your tresses straight out of the shower? Since wet hair is weaker than dry hair, it must be treated like a newborn baby to prevent damage, like breaking and splitting, or even worse – falling out. After a shower, or anytime when you are detangling your hair, it is best to use a wide-toothed comb to manage your mane.

But don’t throw away that brush just yet: Brushing your hair helps improve shine by distributing the oils throughout the length of your hair. The best way to do it? Start at the end and work your way up – that way, if you encounter a stray knot, it will not cause as much damage or hair loss as haphazardly working from the scalp.

So let’s recap: which should you use? The correct answer is both, combing is for detangling, while brushing is for shine. Seems simple enough right? If you still find yourself having to clean out your brushes and combs often even when using both correctly, don’t blame your tools – blame it on your genes.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our

*Image courtesy of Gerrilynn Nunley

On the Upside: Does Standing on Your Head Cure Hair Loss?


Photo courtesy of lululemon athletica

You’ve swapped the ramen for gourmet, and instead of happy hour after work, you’re helping your kids with their homework, so let’s face it, you’re getting older. Luckily for you, getting older is not what it used to be: 40 is the new 30, and that “silver fox” look is totally in. Unfortunately for you, however, your hairline seems to be racing your ego to the nape of your neck – and your ego is losing.
There are many at-home remedies for hair-loss, and some of them seem, well, pretty silly.  While we are no longer brushing our hair like Marcia Brady, and we aren’t scared that fungus will grow in our scalp if we sleep with wet hair, we do still partake in peculiar activities when we’re pressured by our hair loss.

One of the newer “old wives tales” is also one of the most prevalent ones: standing on your head cures hair loss. The science behind it seems simple and logical enough – the reason your hair is falling out is because of a little natural force called gravity. Since it’s just so hard for your blood to reach your scalp, then your hair growth is stalled.

By standing on your head (or for the more athletically-challenged like me, by lying on your bed and letting your head hang off the side), blood will reach your scalp and stimulate hair growth. If you do this for 30 seconds each and every day you’ll look like Fabio in no time, right?

Wrong. So let’s just de-bunk this myth once and for all; if your blood wasn’t sufficiently supplying your follicles enough life-juice for your hair to grow, your biggest problem would not be your receding hairline – the issue would be that you would have to figure out arrangements for your own funeral, because without enough blood supply to your head, well, to put it grimly, you’d need one.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our

In the Thick of It: Does Cutting Your Hair Make It Grow Back Thicker?

hairUgh. Look at your hair – so thin, so brittle, you might as well cut it all off. In a few months, it would be just as long as it is now, except way shinier and thicker, right? Before you go rushing to your barber or salon, there are a few follicle facts you should know.

First and foremost, let’s get this straight: shaving or cutting your hair will not make it grow back thicker – but it does help make it look that way (which is probably why so many people believe in the old wives tale that it had to be debunked by Snopes, the Internet watch-dog that sets all of those darned rumors straight).

According to hair expert Philip Kingsley, you have to think of your hair as a “bamboo cane: a long cane flexes easily, but the same cane cut short feels harder and tougher”. The reason your hair looks so much thicker and healthier when it is freshly-cut is because the ends of your hair are the oldest on your head — they are thinner and more fragile than the hair closer to your scalp (simply put, it is dead hair). In addition, the more times you have straightened, teased, or curled your hair into submission with various styling products, tools, and treatment, the weaker your ends are.

Because of this, trimming your hair gives the illusion of thicker, healthier hair, and styling it with some chic layers can give your hair some next-level volume. These cuts for men and women create the illusion of thickness in your hair, therefore making it look like – you guessed it – your hair grew back thicker.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our

*Photo courtesy of Clay Junnell

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