The Role of Minerals In Hair Health

Does you hair love minerals?

The Importance of Minerals When It Comes To Our Hair Health

*Photo courtesy of Deidre Woollard

Even if a person protects their hair from the elements, actively treats it to keep it healthy, and styles their hair, hair health is also dependent on eating the right things. What goes into your body can determine how healthy your hair is. These are four minerals that are essential for optimal hair health.

Trace mineral silica

When it comes to needing nutrients to prevent hair loss and healthy hair growth, we cannot overlook silica as one of the main minerals. Most American diets do not contain enough silica. If you were to choose only a single vitamin or mineral, supplementing silica alone will probably net the best overall results. It is a good idea to supplement your diet, because cooking will often remove the silica in our food. Some good sources of silica include barley, oats, whole wheat, and millet.


When people hear that iodine is vital for healthy hair and stopping hair loss, they do not realize that not all sources of iodine are good enough. To prevent hair loss, you need a certain type of iodine. You cannot rely on generic table salt to provide you with the iodine that your hair needs, because it would be far too easy to take too much. Moreover, an overdose on iodine could lead to hair loss. That is why the healthy option is to get your iodine from supplements or food sources. Some healthy options include boiled eggs, cow milk, strawberries, yogurt, and kelp.


Most generic supplements on the market do not provide a good source of iron. Many people opt to get their iron from food sources instead. Good sources of iron include asparagus, Brazil nuts, dried beans, tuna, oysters, and lean red meats.


Again, you have to strike a good balance between not enough and too much. While it is important for healthy hair growth, consuming too much zinc may block the exertion of other minerals. Get your zinc from quality supplements or food sources such as almonds, raw cashews, chickpeas, and lima beans. An added bonus to taking zinc is that it can help you avoid dandruff by keeping the scalp oily.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our site:

Vitamin B-Complex and Hair Health + Nutrition

What Is Vitamin B-complex?


*Photo courtesy of Martin Cathrae

We know what we put into our bodies has a direct result on the health of our hair. These B vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins that are not only essential to our hair health, but our overall health as well.

Common Misconceptions

Unlike what people often think, this is not just one single vitamin. The Vitamin B-Complex includes eight different essential water-soluble B vitamins. These play a vital part in many of the primary functions in our body, including blood circulation, our metabolism, our immune system, and overall growth. There is no larger vitamin group than the B group. These include the following:

  • Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)
  • Biotin (Vitamin B7)
  • Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
  • Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3)
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
  • Thiamin (Vitamin B1)

Why These Matter To Our Hair

With that many different parts in the group, it can be difficult to narrow down exactly how we can benefit. For example, not having enough Vitamin B1, B2, B3, and B5 will result in our hair follicle cells not getting enough nourishment. That means that our hair growth is slowed down dramatically and our hair becomes brittle. Not getting enough B9 (Folic Acid) will slow down your hair growth because it leads to slow cell division within your follicles. A deficiency in B7 leads to overall hair loss, and it is a vital component that we need for maintaining the strength, tone, and texture of our hair. Meanwhile, B6 reduces the creation of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), the hormone linked to pattern baldness in both men and women. In short, these are essential vitamins for our hair health.

Sources and Supplements

Dietary sources of the B vitamins include dairy, meat, eggs, poultry, and fish. You can also find them in leafy green vegetables, peas, and beans. Even though it is possible to get enough B vitamins through a balanced, healthy diet, it is also a good idea to supplement your nutrition. It is possible to take the members of the B vitamins individually or take them together in a multivitamin. Especially those over the age of 50 will want to consider taking a supplement because the body does not process our vitamin intake as it once did.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our site:

Medical Culprit – Is Your Medication Causing Hair Loss?

It Might Be Your Medication

*Photo courtesy of emagineart

*Photo courtesy of emagineart

If you find that you are losing a lot more hair than you used to, it may not mean that hair loss is an inevitable problem for you – it may be medication that you are taking.

Many commonly prescribed prescription medications can cause permanent hair loss, prompt the onset of male and female pattern baldness, or cause temporary hair loss. That is why it may be a good idea to talk to your physician and see what the problem might be.

Why is this happening?

With so many different types of medication, it is not possible to narrow down exactly why certain drugs cause thinning hair, but we can identify the process. The process is called telogen effluvium. Most of the time, the majority of your hair will be in the growing phase (meaning its active) and a small percentage will be in the telogen (resting) phase. When hair grows, it pushes out the resting hair. If you use a type of medication that pushes more hair into the resting stage, guess what that means? It means that less hair grows, and more hair is pushed out. This means that you may find yourself losing hair after running your hand through your hair, combing, brushing, or shampooing. All because the body is confused.

What can you do about it?

If you believe that you are suffering from medication-induced hair loss, your best option is to discontinue the use or reduce the dosage of the problem medication. Remember that even if you notice thinning or falling hair, it is important never to stop taking your medication on your own. That is why you have to talk to your prescribing physician before you ever stop taking anything prescribed to you, because it may be risky to stop taking your medication.

Don’t Worry, It Can Grow Back

Maybe it is possible to switch to a different type of medication that does not have problems with hair loss or thinning hair. A study done in 2000 provides hope for people going through the problem, suggesting that dose reduction or discontinuation of the medication usually leads to complete hair regrowth. It may take several months, but at least it comes back.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our site:

Insta-Hair: Do Miracle Hair Growth Products Work?

Do Miracle Hair Growth Products Work?

do miracle hair growth products work?

*Photo courtesy of slightly everything

“Full head of hair in a week with our MIRACLE SHAMPOO!” “An instant coif with SPRAY ON HAIR!” With all of the miracle hair-growth products blaring on the TV nowadays, you would think that all of your hair-loss worries are just temporary, that there is a miracle hair product out there – but that you just have not found it yet.

Not Always What They Are Said To Be

Hair re-growth products can be beneficial to people that have significant hair loss, but you should know that they are not the instant gratification that the commercials imply. If your hair loss is not due to a medical condition, there are hormones and vitamins that can help stimulate hair growth.

Get As Many Nutrients As Possible

Enter that pesky little hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, which stops hair growth by blocking the flow of blood to the scalp. To stop DHT from taking over your feeble follicles, invest in a hair vitamin with DHT blockers. These vitamins aim to replenish the vitamins and nutrients that are vital for hair growth. Make sure you use one that has a variety of nutrients, like Biotin and healthy oils, that assist in hair health and growth.

Still Want Instant Gratification?

Now, if instant gratification is more your speed, ignore those commercials on TV – unless you like throwing money down the drain. Instead, have you ever thought of a hair transplant, or even a wig? Now that, my dear reader, is miracle insta-hair growth.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our site:

Fact or Fiction: Does Sex Cause Hair Loss?

Does Sex Cause Hair Loss?

*Photo courtesy of SeanMcgrath

Gettin’ Jiggy With It: Does Sex Cause Hair Loss?

Oh, you lothario, you’re at it again. But lately, you have noticed that your shower drain starts clogging more than usual, and ew! What is that spot at the crown of your head? Is…is that your…scalp where your hair used to be?

Fact or Fiction?

You think back, and remember that old myth you heard about hair loss coming from the mother’s side of the family (not true by the way, we debunked this myth in another article). You Google your hair-loss woes, and infer that your swingin’ lifestyle may be the reason that you are balding.

Gettin Down With The Science of It

You see, one of the main theories regarding sexual activity and hair loss is that ‘excessive’ ejection of seminal fluid may lead to a protein deficiency in the body, and therefore hair loss. As you know, proteins are “the building blocks of life” and they are responsible for the growth and repair of many of the body’s tissues, including – you guessed it – hair. You know what else has proteins? Seminal fluid, therefore creating that myth that sex causes hair loss. But don’t start chugging protein shakes just yet – seminal fluid is comprised of about only 10% proteins, while the “dry” weight of your body consists of about 50% proteins.

Don’t Be Worried

If you’re like me and your eyes glazed over when you saw the percentages, just know this – no matter how many emissions you may have a day, it is highly unlikely that your newfound baldness is caused by your lifestyle. What may have caused it, however, are a plethora of other factors, like hormones, genetics, the hair products you use (check the label and make sure that alcohol is not one of the main ingredients), and your styling tools.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our site:

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