5 Common Hair Issues That Haunt Women

5 common hair issues that haunt womenWomen enjoy flaunting their hair; it is their crown of glory and one of the features that make them stand out. However, healthy hair is becoming a rarity among today’s women as they tend to face a number of hair-related problems. If you’re wondering what those are, here are five common issues.

1. Dandruff

Dandruff is the white particles that stick to your roots and are hard to hide. If you’ve been careless with your diet lately or are suffering from a low metabolism rate, scalp infection, and stress, dandruff is inevitable and so is hair loss. The solution to this problem is anti-dandruff shampoos and a healthier lifestyle.

2. Split Ends

Split ends occur when your hair turns brittle and dry. If you comb or brush your hair more, go for perms and dye frequently, or expose your hair to heat often, split ends will quickly form. Use conditioners that suit your hair type to avoid split ends.

3. Frizzy Hair

Women consider frizzy hair a curse, but it’s basically an issue caused by loss of moisture. To protect the natural moisture of your hair, don’t brush your hair often, especially while using a hair dryer. This condition can be hereditary passing from parent to child, so identify the cause first and then look for a treatment.

4. Flaky Scalp

Flaky scalp is yet another common issue women want to get rid of. Dead skin flakes reduce the hair growth process, leading to hair loss. To reverse this condition, you need to take vitamins and stop using hair styling products with high chemical content.

5. Hair Fall

Just like men, women can be victims of hair loss. The main causes of hair loss among women are stress, birth control, hormonal changes, DHT, menopause, reaction to medication, and excessive use of styling products. To counter this issue, use a shampoo formulated to combat hair loss that provides nutrition to your hair and cleans off the dirt, oil and other residue.

If any of these issues haunt you, consult a specialist immediately or use home remedies for the best results. What issues haunt your hair? Comment below with your thoughts and hair issues.

Do Styling Products Cause Hair Loss?

Fact or fiction?

do styling products cause hair loss

*Photo courtesy of Cour10e Fox

Do you want to have your hair stay longer for a very long time without risking going bald? The chances of you getting so many yes answers to this question are very high. There are so many people who will stop at nothing to make sure that they get to retain their hair. Well, much as this is a dream come true for many people, some are never that lucky. There are lots of myths that have been put up to try and explain the issue of hair loss to many people. One of the most common of these is that hair gel and hair spray usually cause hair loss. This is as far from the truth as can be. There are so many logical reasons why hair loss is persistent, and you can be sure that your incessant use of gel and hairspray do not rank up high on the list of things not to do.

Can styling products cause hair loss?

Hair gel has its own disadvantages in as far as the hair is concerned but none of them includes making you go bald. In most cases the use of hair gel only makes your hair dry. Besides that it has also been reported to cause extensive damage to your strands of hair individually. However the one thing that hair gel does not do is causing baldness. Over time there are so many scientists who have been able to prove that hair loss is not caused by use of hair products, and it is high time you got to believe this.

It could be other causes

There are lots of reasons why you might lose your hair. A good number of the reasons have been exploited already in lots of avenues. From shock to heredity and hormonal changes, all these are some of the most prevalent reasons why you tend to lose hair. There are also those who lose their hair as a result of medical conditions or some form of illness. Some of the medicines that have been known to cause this include the medicines for depression, blood pressure and heart conditions. Those who take medicines for joint inflammations are also at a risk of suffering hair loss.

Insta-Hair: Do Miracle Hair Growth Products Work?

Do Miracle Hair Growth Products Work?

do miracle hair growth products work?

*Photo courtesy of slightly everything

“Full head of hair in a week with our MIRACLE SHAMPOO!” “An instant coif with SPRAY ON HAIR!” With all of the miracle hair-growth products blaring on the TV nowadays, you would think that all of your hair-loss worries are just temporary, that there is a miracle hair product out there – but that you just have not found it yet.

Not Always What They Are Said To Be

Hair re-growth products can be beneficial to people that have significant hair loss, but you should know that they are not the instant gratification that the commercials imply. If your hair loss is not due to a medical condition, there are hormones and vitamins that can help stimulate hair growth.

Get As Many Nutrients As Possible

Enter that pesky little hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, which stops hair growth by blocking the flow of blood to the scalp. To stop DHT from taking over your feeble follicles, invest in a hair vitamin with DHT blockers. These vitamins aim to replenish the vitamins and nutrients that are vital for hair growth. Make sure you use one that has a variety of nutrients, like Biotin and healthy oils, that assist in hair health and growth.

Still Want Instant Gratification?

Now, if instant gratification is more your speed, ignore those commercials on TV – unless you like throwing money down the drain. Instead, have you ever thought of a hair transplant, or even a wig? Now that, my dear reader, is miracle insta-hair growth.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our site: www.tojilife.com.

Heat and Hair Loss

heat and hair loss

*Photo courtesy of …love Maegan

Protect your hair from heat and hair loss

You often hear applying a heat protectant spray when using heated styling tools is very important. People wonder if it really matters or if it’s a gimmick to get people to invest in new products they do not need. So does it matter?

In a single word – yes – these heat protectants are important when you work with heated styling tools. Heat protectants reduce the physical and chemical damage to hair when you apply heat to it. They cannot eliminate the damage, but it’s a lot less.

Protection from physical damage

When you apply heat to the hair, the surface of the hair may have chips or breaks. When you comb the hair after heat styling, there may be physical breakage because the hair is damaged. The heat protectants place a layer of coating on the hair, meaning the hair fiber and the heated styling tools do not come into contact. This reduces the chance of breakage.

What is going on?

No heat protectant is going to protect your hair completely. Heat breaks down the amino acids in hair. Considering that hair is made up out of amino acids, there is no way to avoid chemical damage. The specific amino acid that often suffers damage is tryptophan. When you use a heat protectant, it means less degradation of tryptophan. Because the layer prevents all of the heat to transfer to the hair, it means that the protein is less likely to be damaged.

Choosing the right one

First, using any heat protectant is always going to be better than directly applying heated styling tools to your hair. But seeing as we are always about learning more, a study at the University of Manchester showed that dry ingredients (solvents and oils including ethanol) were better than water based heat protectants. Those without water simply worked better than those with. If you want some of the best ingredients, look for polymers and silicones, some of the best-researched protectants.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our site: www.tojilife.com.

Hair Loss Prevention – Rubber Bands Cause Hair Loss

Rubber Bands Cause Hair Loss

*Image courtesy of Larry Rosenstein

How do rubber bands cause hair loss?

If you are reading this, rubber bands cause hair loss, do not use rubber bands to hold your hair back or to style your hair – do we have your attention? If you look at undamaged, healthy hair, you will find it has a cuticle layer that is tightly sealed. This protects your hair. Using rubber bands may damage your hair, which means that you will see changes in hair moisture, strength, shine, and elasticity. And the worst part about it? Once hair is truly damaged, it is impossible to repair it completely.

Studies show rubber bands cause hair loss

Studies show that people who regularly use rubber bands to put their hair in ponytails have hair that simply stops growing. The growing has ceased because of the trauma caused by the use of the rubber bands. The hair is literally broken at the scalp. How many times have you fidgeted with your rubber band? Because they are so difficult to remove and fit tight, they can cause trauma to the hair.

What happens with damaged hair?

It does not matter if you damage your hair by pulling it back too tightly, over-processing, or use rubber bands, it may lead to the deletion of the whole cuticle layer, uplifted cuticle scales, brittle cuticles, and decreased shine. Because damaged hair is dry, porous, and weak, it becomes very difficult to manage. Due to the stress on the hair because of the tight elastic, it may result in hair breakage.

What is the alternative?

It is important to remember that anything applied to the hair too tightly can cause the hair to break. This includes clips, pins, and numerous other hair accessories. If you want to control your hair, try fabric scrunchies. These are often less harsh for your hair. Alternatively, you can use rubber-padded clips and combs. If you use pins or clips, use them in different places on your hair. That way, breakage is not localized in one single area.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our site: www.tojilife.com.

Hair Brush Choice: Is Boar or Plastic Better?

hair brush choice boar or plastic

Image courtesy of Joanna Bourne

Hair brush choices got you confused?

It’s time for a spring cleaning for your bathroom– and not a moment too soon. Your kits and caboodles are overflowing with hair brushes and combs, and it’s time to throw some of the older ones away. But hair products are expensive, and you know they are still useful, so which do you keep?

What is this boar bristle hype all about?

If you’ve looked into hair products lately, chances are you’ve read about the wonders of boar bristle brushes. People really like these brushes, but it’s not only because they are the latest it thing. Boar bristle brushes are, in general, easier on the hair than your typical plastic hair brush, with the added bonus that they distribute your natural oils from your scalp, down to your oftentimes-dryer ends.

In addition, the hard boar bristles are very effective at removing gross pile-up from dirt, dust, and debris from your everyday life, so it can even help in keeping your hair clean. That’s not all, the hard bristles of a boar hair brush are perfect for massaging your scalp, thereby stimulating the blood flow to your scalp and preventing hair loss.

Don’t worry, you can keep a brush for every occasion

So which of your boar bristle brushes do you keep? Well, all of them! All hair brushes serve a different purpose, and it is important to use them correctly. For starters, a paddle hair brush is best for detangling wet hair, while a round hair brush is perfect for use while blow drying – do your research on the hair brush you leave in your drawers to find out which of these boar bristles don’t really fit your morning routine.

Our blog entries are for your information only and are not intended as medical advice. Because everyone is different, we recommend you work with your medical professional to determine what’s best for you. Toji: Pure Density is designed to support healthy hair growth, and comes with a 3-bottle guarantee. Yes – this means you can try it for 3 months, and if you don’t grow faster, thicker, longer hair we will gladly provide you a complete, 100% money back, refund . For more info, check out our site: www.tojilife.com.

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