Are Porosity and Crown Breakages Related?

Are Porosity and Crown Breakages Related?The chances of hair breakage around your crown are higher than in any other region of your scalp. This can be linked to trauma and damage to the hair follicles among others. However, there is one cause for breakage in this area that’s rarely discussed: high porosity.

Understanding Porosity

The outermost layer of the hair, or the cuticle layer, is responsible for protecting the inner layer in the hair shaft. The cuticle layer consists of various scales that are flat or either lifted, affecting the movement of moisture between the cortex and the environment. This is where porosity comes into play. Women who suffer from high porosity have missing or damaged scales. This renders their hair unable to transfer the moisture to other hair strands.

Are Porosity and Crown Breakages Related?

Yes, these two aspects are directly linked to one another since the crown is exposed to severe damage at a structural level.  As is the case with hair strands, the texture of your scalp and porosities vary as well.  Even though the rest of your hair is low on porosity, there’s a chance that the crown may have high porosity.

Constant exposure of the crown to the sun’s ultraviolet rays is a major contributing factor to this issue. If you don’t wear a hat or scarf whenever you go out, your hair may end up growing slower, weaker and sometimes with an entirely different structure. Dry hair can also elevate this issue, so keep moisturizing your tresses to protect them from the elements.

Now that you have a good idea about the link between these two aspects, you should put in extra effort to ensure that your crown is protected from everything that can harm it and cause hair breakage at that sensitive spot.

How To Protect Your Hair During The Fall Season

how to protect your hair during the fall seasonA wild, untamed mane of hair while walking against the wind might look sexy in commercials but we all know in real life, a cold, windy day does a number on your hair. High winds and dropping temperatures can contribute to knotty hair which leads to damage. So how do you go about protecting your gorgeous tresses from those blustery, sharp winds?

Accessorize Your Hair

If you have longer hair that tends to whip you in the face (or worse) sticks to your lip gloss like super glue, it might be time to invest in some hair accessories to keep your hair pulled back. Make sure never to pull hair too tightly as this can lead to hair loss. If you have short hair, you can begin a hat collection to keep your scalp and hair warm, protected and (maybe) in place! Wrapping a scarf or shawl around your neck to cover the ends of your hair is also a good idea and with so many ways to tie a scarf the style possibilities are endless!

Protection From The Cold

When hair gets cold, the shaft of each strand is more susceptible to damage, just like our skin. Deep-conditioning treatments only work on protecting the surface of the hair, but by nourishing your body with healthy fats like those from avocados and salmon, you will notice a difference in your hair. It will look shinier and the oils will help protect your hair from the cold. Studies have found that getting adequate omegas in your diet can even stimulate hair growth, thus preventing extra hair shedding that Swedish researchers found happens more often in the fall.

Moisturize Your Ends

Moisturizing the ends of your hair is as easy as a trip to your kitchen; take a few drops of extra-virgin olive oil and rub in between fingertips and apply to the ends of your hair while hair is slightly damp from the shower. This will seal in some of the moisture already there and help protect the ends of your hair before you go outdoors.

Eat Plenty of Dark Leafy Greens

Dark, leafy greens like spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard and kale are filled with vitamins A and C which helps boost oil production in your scalp, which will in turn, protect and nourish your hair. Not a veggie fan? Never fear; these vitamin powerhouses also can be added to your favorite fruit smoothies!

By protecting our hair early on before any damage occurs, you can rest assured that your hair will look and feel healthy for years to come, with less visits to the salon….and doctor!

Make your Hair Zing with Zinc

Make your Hair Zing with Zinc

Crab is a great source for Zinc

If you want to get healthy hair, zinc might be the way to go, as Amino acid chelate is important for hair health. Zinc does amazing things to your hair by allowing the moisture in your scalp, called sebum, to be produced at a faster rate. That means less of that white stuff called dandruff giving you a hard time. It also means that you won’t lose as much hair in the shower or bath, too because the zinc keeps your hair healthy.

When you don’t get enough zinc in your system, you will find that your hair is more prone to breakage. It also will have problems growing again, which you don’t want to happen. Deficient levels of zinc can also be the cause of premature gray hair and hair loss that leads to balding.

So, you’re probably wondering how you can get zinc in your diet. Well, bread has a lot of zinc in it because of the yeast in bread. Also, you will find that meat has zinc in it, so if you love meat you are getting a good amount of zinc in your diet. If you eat seafood like mussels, you are also getting a good amount of zinc in your diet. Pumpkin seeds have zinc in them, so if you like those, you should eat up. Nuts are also a great source of zinc, as well. You can also get zinc if you take certain supplements with amino acid chelate, as well.

You should get around eight milligrams of zinc a day if you’re a women. Men can have as much as eleven milligrams of zinc each day. Don’t take calcium supplements with zinc because they will not work well together.

To conclude, zinc is really great, but you shouldn’t take too much zinc in your diet because it can have the opposite effect of what you intended and you could lose hair.


Preventing Hair Loss in 5 Simple Ways

Preventing Hair Loss in 5 Simple WaysIf you’re experiencing rapid hair fall and are scared that you’re going to end up bald very soon, using natural products can be more useful than expensive salon treatments that may or may not work in the end. Not only will these natural products prevent hair fall, but they’ll also strengthen your tresses, ensuring their health. So, without further ado, here are the best five remedies you should use for hair fall prevention.

Natural Heated Oil – Using natural oils after slightly warming them up can be a wonderful idea to prevent hair fall. All you have to do is massage your hair gently with oils like coconut, canola and olive oil and leave them on for an hour. After that, you can easily rinse your hair with shampoo and water. By using these hot oil treatments regularly, you can steadily improve your hair fall situation.
Head Massage – A nice and gentle head massage every day can improve the blood circulation to your scalp, keeping your hair follicles active. For this massage, you can use sesame or almond oil as base while adding a few drops of bay or lavender essential oils. Regular head massages can boost the health of your scalp and improve your hair fall condition.
Natural Juices – Rubbing your scalp with natural juices can be quite helpful in preventing hair fall. Juices such as garlic, onion and ginger should be rubbed in and left overnight before you can wash them off.
Meditation – Stress and tension are often the main cause of hair fall. In that case, practicing meditation can help improve your hair by reducing your stress levels and restoring your hormonal balance.
Antioxidants – Brew two green tea bags in a cup of water and then apply this warm green tea on your scalp regularly, leaving it for an hour before you rinse. The antioxidant properties of green tea can boost hair growth remarkably.

Try these simple tips at home and see how much change they can bring to your falling hair.

10 Easy Tips for Fighting Dandruff

10 Easy Tips for Fighting DandruffDealing with dandruff isn’t easy, especially after you have tried every treatment in the book. However, there are a few things you can do to bring back all your black clothes and be less conscious about pesky white flakes. Here are ten easy tips to incorporate into your daily routine.

1. Shampoo Your Hair Every Day –

Keep your scalp clean by washing it daily. You will get rid of the excess oil, dirt particles, and flakes that come with dandruff.

2. Change Your Shampoo –

If your regular shampoo is useless, buy a new one that contains either zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid, or ketoconazole. These ingredients fight off the main cause of dandruff: the malassezia fungus.

3. Pick Three Different Shampoos –

Don’t stick to a single brand of shampoo. A resistance may form with the constant use of active ingredients, so it’s better that you use three shampoos and rotate them monthly.

4. Lather Twice While Washing Your Hair –

By lathering twice, you’ll be able to wash off the oil accumulation and flakes first, allowing the ingredients to penetrate further into skin cells.

5. Use Tar Shampoo –

Consider switching to tar shampoo as it helps decrease the hair cell turnover. Its drawbacks, however, are its odor, ability to stain light hair, and irritation of scalp.

6. Rinse Your Hair –

Rinse your hair with a conditioner, crème, or even with lemon juice. A good conditioner will make your hair manageable, reduce its stiffness, and seal its moisture.

7. Check The Sensitivity Of Your Scalp –

If you have sensitive skin, avoid harsh chemical shampoos as they might inflame your hair follicles and cause folliculitis, the inflammation of one more hair follicles.

8. Don’t Irritate Your Scalp –

If you scratch your scalp, wounds will begin to appear. With wounded skin, you shouldn’t use a medicated shampoo until your head is healed.

9. Avoid Sweat –

Workouts or exercises can make you perspire excessively, leading to skin cells flaking. So shower after a workout to curb your dandruff.

10. Don’t Use Sticky Stuff Often –

Using hair styling gels, mousses, sprays or any such product support oil buildup. So avoid applying them often.
With these tips, you can kiss dandruff goodbye once and for all. What has and hasn’t worked for you? Comment with your thoughts or tips.

5 Common Hair Issues That Haunt Women

5 common hair issues that haunt womenWomen enjoy flaunting their hair; it is their crown of glory and one of the features that make them stand out. However, healthy hair is becoming a rarity among today’s women as they tend to face a number of hair-related problems. If you’re wondering what those are, here are five common issues.

1. Dandruff

Dandruff is the white particles that stick to your roots and are hard to hide. If you’ve been careless with your diet lately or are suffering from a low metabolism rate, scalp infection, and stress, dandruff is inevitable and so is hair loss. The solution to this problem is anti-dandruff shampoos and a healthier lifestyle.

2. Split Ends

Split ends occur when your hair turns brittle and dry. If you comb or brush your hair more, go for perms and dye frequently, or expose your hair to heat often, split ends will quickly form. Use conditioners that suit your hair type to avoid split ends.

3. Frizzy Hair

Women consider frizzy hair a curse, but it’s basically an issue caused by loss of moisture. To protect the natural moisture of your hair, don’t brush your hair often, especially while using a hair dryer. This condition can be hereditary passing from parent to child, so identify the cause first and then look for a treatment.

4. Flaky Scalp

Flaky scalp is yet another common issue women want to get rid of. Dead skin flakes reduce the hair growth process, leading to hair loss. To reverse this condition, you need to take vitamins and stop using hair styling products with high chemical content.

5. Hair Fall

Just like men, women can be victims of hair loss. The main causes of hair loss among women are stress, birth control, hormonal changes, DHT, menopause, reaction to medication, and excessive use of styling products. To counter this issue, use a shampoo formulated to combat hair loss that provides nutrition to your hair and cleans off the dirt, oil and other residue.

If any of these issues haunt you, consult a specialist immediately or use home remedies for the best results. What issues haunt your hair? Comment below with your thoughts and hair issues.

Hair-Raising Facts on Hair

Hair-Raising Facts on HairHave you ever tried to count the hairs on your head? It may seem like a task that you can complete with some time, but chances are you’ll never make it. The average individual has approximately 100,000 hairs on his or her head. This number is the same for both men and women. Do you think that you could count that many tiny hairs?

More on Hair

On an average day an individual will lose 60 to 70 hairs. But don’t worry. Most of those hairs are replaced with new growth. The average person will also regrow about ½ an inch of hair every single month!

Hair on the head is not constantly growing, however. If it did you might see yourself looking like a gorilla and not liking what you are seeing. There are active phases and resting phases. The active phase is known as the anagen phase while the resting phases is known as the telogen phase. The hair comes out of the head during the telogen phase.

Why Do We Have Hair?

Do you have any guesses? Hair protects the skin from harm and irritants. Our entire body is actually covered in hair, although some of it is too fine for us to see. The only exception to this is the palms of the hands and the feet. These two areas do not have any hair on them. Of course, men have more hair than women in most cases.

Hair is something that each and every individual has, and some of us have more than others. Hair plays an important part in how we perceive other people and how they perceive us, so it is no wonder that most people look for ways in which they can prolong the life of their hair, make their hair appear fuller and healthier, and try to regrow hair that has been lost through aging.


Your Sleeping Position and Hair Loss

Your Sleeping Position and Hair LossWhen it comes to men’s health there are few subjects as touchy as hair loss. It seems that since the first man lost his hair, others have begun looking for ways to avert the problem. Since that time, numerous tales have been developed promising natural ways to prevent hair from falling out. One of the most fantastic of these stories surrounds the myth that the way you sleep actually has influence over the amount of hair that you will lose.

If you have not heard of these myths in the past, it goes something along the lines of sleeping in a certain position will cause the hair on that side to fall out at a faster rate. While there is some good evidence showing that sleep loss or deprivation will lead to hair loss, none of this evidence suggests that your sleep position will have a similar effect. The people that tell these stories usually have found them from a forwarded e-mail or pulled them from the depths of the internet. If in doubt you should always consult a doctor or a website that can actually be trusted. In other words, look for sources that you know to be reputable for real information about hair loss.

If you are still wondering about hair loss and what really causes it, you can find quality information in this regard. Your genes actually play a large part in determining how much hair you will lose as the follicles in your hair are essentially pre-programmed already. In other words, lying with your head in one position versus another will not make a shred of difference. The best thing that you can do when it comes to sleeping is to make sure that you are getting enough of it and that you are comfortable throughout the night.


Increasing Blood Flow Lets your Hair Thrive

Increasing Blood Flow Lets your Hair ThriveEverything in your body is nurtured by your blood. Without having nutrient-rich blood traveling throughout your body, vital organs would not receive the material they need to function. Your brain needs good blood flow, your limbs, your skin, and organs too. Following this logic it makes sense that without good blood flow to your hair, it will not grow well, and will even start to die. If you rob your hair of the nutrients and other materials that it needs to thrive, then it will wither.

Decreased Blood Flow Leads to Hair Loss

Many things can lead to premature hair loss in a person. Hair loss can be brought on by a poor diet, inflammation of the scalp, imbalances in internal chemistry, and by decreased blood flow. It is also true that a bald head will have less blood flow too. Without hair actively requiring nourishment to grow, your body will send less blood to your scalp and it will remain a poor area to grow hair.

Increasing Blood Flow

The solution to your problems is not to go through some ridiculously expensive and invasive surgery to artificially make your blood pump better to your scalp. What you want to do is to provide a healthy environment for your body to grow in. To do this give it a good diet that contains all of the minerals, nutrients, and calories that it needs to produce healthy hair. If you give your body what it requires to function then it will correct low blood flow on its own and your scalp will begin to see decreased hair loss, and even hair regrowth over time.

Unfortunately testing for blood flow is not going to be very effective. If you are already balding or bald you are going to find that you have less blood flow to your scalp. This may or may not be because of a lack of nutrients. Your body naturally sends less blood to the scalp when it is not growing hair. It is a leap of faith of your part to improve your diet and lifestyle in order to promote healthier levels of blood flow in your body. There is a good chance that this will help your hair repair itself, or even begin to grow back in.


Don’t Forget Choline in your Diet

Don’t Forget Choline in your DietLet’s talk about Choline today. Choline works in a very similar way to B vitamins. You already make choline in your liver. You can also get it from a wide variety of different sources including fish and meat, and it can also be found in nuts, peas and eggs. Choline works in the body by moving fat and making it into energy.

Why Do I Need Choline?

If you don’t get enough Choline, it can cause problems with your cells and your nerves. If you get tingling or numbness in your limbs, this can also be a sign of low choline levels. Choline is and has been used in a variety of different ways for different medical conditions, including for treating cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis. It even helps with asthma, and has been used to help with depression in people.

Choline can really help your kidneys because it helps to balance out the water found in your body. However, choline is not for everyone and might not help people with certain kidney or liver conditions.

Choline and Hair

Now, let’s get to what it can do for your hair. Because choline helps to balance out the body, it can really help with your scalp and your hair. As we all probably have seen in life, stress can cause or at least contribute to hair loss. Well, choline is believed to help people to manage their stress, which can help with minimizing hair loss!

Choline is also beneficial for hair because it can help to bring about protection to the follicles that the hair grow on. When used with Inositol, choline can actually help hair to grow again by creating new cells. Choline was also shown in a study to help to reign in those genetic predispositions to hair loss as well.


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