Vitamin E helps you Sport Healthy Hair

Vitamin E helps you Sport Healthy HairThere are many factors that can make you look great, and healthy hair definitely tops the list. It’s important to practice a diet rich in vitamin E if you’re keen to keep your hair healthy and good-looking. Any deficiency in this vitamin can affect hair growth in significant terms and leave you with dull, lifeless hair. Taking stock of the foods and supplements that offer vitamin E in sufficient amounts allows you to overcome this problem and sport shiny hair that worthy of the catwalk.

How Much Vitamin E Do I Need?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that has the ability to enhance hair growth and add shine to your hair. Include vitamin E supplements to your diet in natural forms such as alpha-tocopherol, considered to be the most active among the eight different forms of the vitamin in the human body.

Before actually listing what to eat to acquire vitamin E, it’s essential to know how much vitamin E your body needs to maintain the right balance. The dietary reference intake for vitamin E is based on the alpha-tocopherol form, and the recommended dietary allowance varies depending on age. While infants below 6 months require 1 milligram per day, the requirement for adults is 15 mg/day.

Excellent Foods for Your Vitamin E Needs

Eggs, green leafy vegetables, nuts, meat, poultry, vegetable oils, olive oil, whole grams, and fortified cereals are among the well-known foods that contain vitamin E in fair amounts. You can also rely on vitamin E supplements to turn your hair healthy and look glossy. If you’re on a special diet it’s wise to consult your dietician on the required dosage so that you adhere to the proper daily allowance recommendation.

There is no need to worry anymore about unhealthy hair; vitamin E supplements help you attain sufficient levels of the most important vitamin your hair requires. In addition to improving blood circulation in your scalp, vitamin E also serves to keep your hair follicles healthy to promote rich hair growth.

If you want to make sure you don’t suffer from vitamin E deficiency, practice a rich diet that is guaranteed by natural forms of vitamin E, and supplement with d-alpha tocopherol succinate.

Are Porosity and Crown Breakages Related?

Are Porosity and Crown Breakages Related?The chances of hair breakage around your crown are higher than in any other region of your scalp. This can be linked to trauma and damage to the hair follicles among others. However, there is one cause for breakage in this area that’s rarely discussed: high porosity.

Understanding Porosity

The outermost layer of the hair, or the cuticle layer, is responsible for protecting the inner layer in the hair shaft. The cuticle layer consists of various scales that are flat or either lifted, affecting the movement of moisture between the cortex and the environment. This is where porosity comes into play. Women who suffer from high porosity have missing or damaged scales. This renders their hair unable to transfer the moisture to other hair strands.

Are Porosity and Crown Breakages Related?

Yes, these two aspects are directly linked to one another since the crown is exposed to severe damage at a structural level.  As is the case with hair strands, the texture of your scalp and porosities vary as well.  Even though the rest of your hair is low on porosity, there’s a chance that the crown may have high porosity.

Constant exposure of the crown to the sun’s ultraviolet rays is a major contributing factor to this issue. If you don’t wear a hat or scarf whenever you go out, your hair may end up growing slower, weaker and sometimes with an entirely different structure. Dry hair can also elevate this issue, so keep moisturizing your tresses to protect them from the elements.

Now that you have a good idea about the link between these two aspects, you should put in extra effort to ensure that your crown is protected from everything that can harm it and cause hair breakage at that sensitive spot.

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