Preventing Hair Loss in 5 Simple Ways

Preventing Hair Loss in 5 Simple WaysIf you’re experiencing rapid hair fall and are scared that you’re going to end up bald very soon, using natural products can be more useful than expensive salon treatments that may or may not work in the end. Not only will these natural products prevent hair fall, but they’ll also strengthen your tresses, ensuring their health. So, without further ado, here are the best five remedies you should use for hair fall prevention.

Natural Heated Oil – Using natural oils after slightly warming them up can be a wonderful idea to prevent hair fall. All you have to do is massage your hair gently with oils like coconut, canola and olive oil and leave them on for an hour. After that, you can easily rinse your hair with shampoo and water. By using these hot oil treatments regularly, you can steadily improve your hair fall situation.
Head Massage – A nice and gentle head massage every day can improve the blood circulation to your scalp, keeping your hair follicles active. For this massage, you can use sesame or almond oil as base while adding a few drops of bay or lavender essential oils. Regular head massages can boost the health of your scalp and improve your hair fall condition.
Natural Juices – Rubbing your scalp with natural juices can be quite helpful in preventing hair fall. Juices such as garlic, onion and ginger should be rubbed in and left overnight before you can wash them off.
Meditation – Stress and tension are often the main cause of hair fall. In that case, practicing meditation can help improve your hair by reducing your stress levels and restoring your hormonal balance.
Antioxidants – Brew two green tea bags in a cup of water and then apply this warm green tea on your scalp regularly, leaving it for an hour before you rinse. The antioxidant properties of green tea can boost hair growth remarkably.

Try these simple tips at home and see how much change they can bring to your falling hair.

Have a Flaky Scalp? Try These Home Remedies

Have a Flaky Scalp? Try These Home RemediesFlakes, which are a combination of dead dried skin and dandruff, can be one of the most embarrassing situations to deal with.  Caused due to low oil production in the scalp, flakes can often lead to several skin infections, not just on your scalp, but on your face and neck as well.

If you have a flaky scalp, here are some simple home remedies to use.

  • Baking Soda – Add water to baking soda and apply the paste to your scalp. This will remove the dead skin from the surface. Finally, wash with warm water, shampoo and conditioner.
  • Coconut Oil – Warm coconut oil first and then massage it on your scalp gently. To get better results, add a few drops of lemon juice to the oil.
  • Lemon Juice – Since flaky scalp can lead to excessive dandruff, the best way to get rid of it is to massage your scalp with lemon juice. Doing so won’t only get rid of dandruff, but would also prevent further flakes.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – In order to remove dead skin cells from your scalp, you can use apple cider vinegar, but not the distilled type. Applying it will leave your hair follicle clear, preventing flake formation.
  • Coconut Milk – Another way to get rid of your flakes is by rinsing your scalp with coconut milk and leaving it that way for about ten minutes. You can also add lemon juice to it and massage your scalp.
  • Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera can be used for dandruff and flakes since it moisturizes and repairs the skin of your scalp. You should apply the gel and leave it overnight. After waking up in the morning, wash your hair with cold water.
  • Tea Tree Oil – If you want to protect your scalp from the bacteria forming due to the flakes, your best solution is tea tree oil. Simply use the oil to massage your scalp and then wash it off with shampoo.
  • Olive Oil – Olive oil is a good remedy for moisturizing your scalp and increasing hair growth without promoting flake formation.
  • Witch Hazel – Another thing you can use to prevent scalp infection due to flaking is witch hazel. You need to boil this flower and make a paste of it. Once ready, apply it for about 30 minutes before rinsing.

Try these simple remedies at home and see how well they work for your flaky scalp.

The Hair and Health Benefits of Copper

The Hair and Health Benefits of CopperCopper is a mineral that important to our health, and indeed is very abundant in the human body. Amino acid chelate is also important. Let’s talk about where copper is found. Copper will be found all over the place in your body, but it will mostly be found in your liver.

There are many reasons that you should get copper in your diet. For one thing, copper is an antioxidant that helps to restore the cells in your body and fix environmental damage that has been done to the body.

Copper is also really good for the health of your heart. It helps to protect your heart from heart disease and helps to control the levels of your cholesterol. It also does a really good job or stopping blood clots from happening in your body. Another thing about copper you probably don’t know is that it protects your nerves and helps with your thyroid.

Now, let’s talk about your skin and your hair. Copper works to make melanin, which is what gives your body parts all of their colors, including your hair and your eyes. It also helps your skin to be tighter because it works on the collagen in your skin.

Let’s take a look at what can happen if you don’t get enough copper in your diet. If you don’t get enough copper, you can get anemia. People should be getting around 1.3 m/g of copper each day. Some believe that copper can actually reverse gray hair.

Now, you are probably wondering how you can make sure that you get enough copper in your diet to make sure that you are getting all of the health benefits. Eat a lot of fish and seafood in order to get copper in your diet. Beans and nuts are also really good sources of copper. Finally, if you eat liver, you are getting a good amount of copper and amino acid chelate in your diet.


The Right Way to Deal with Split Ends

The Right Way to Deal with Split EndsAlmost all of us are forced to face split ends at one point in our lives; it’s that common a hair problem. An ever harder truth is that the only way you can remove split ends once they find their way to your hair is by cutting it. However, there are certain preventive measures that you should take afterwards to ensure that these split ends never return later.

Removing Split Ends

If you currently have split ends, the first thing you need to do is to remove them before moving on to preventive actions. You need to cut them off on your own since only you can determine how much to cut. However, remember to use proper hair shears even if it’s just a strand as paper scissors can fray hair ends. Moreover, get a haircut scheduled after every eight weeks as all hair starts getting damaged beyond that point. Most importantly, never believe in products that claim to heal split ends since that isn’t possible.

Preventing Split Ends

Here are some tips that can help you steer clear of split ends in the future:

  1. Keep your hair protected from all types of chemicals, including perming lotions, coloring agents and the chemicals found in pools. Also check if the water you normally use to wash your hair contains chemicals like chlorine or calcium carbonate since they cause split ends.
  2. Always comb your hair gently and slowly while staying away from harmful styles like back combing. Use hair-friendly, combs and minimum strokes of brush. You can also use your fingers to untangle hair gently.
  3. The ultraviolent rays of the sun have the power to damage your hair, so try wearing a cap when you go out to minimize sun damage. Moreover, consider using hair conditioners that have sunscreen to protect your hair perfectly against harsh sun rays.
  4. Shampoos can be harsh on the hair, so make sure to select one that is quite gentle and complement it with a good conditioner. However, make sure to wash out both shampoo and conditioner properly from your scalp. In addition, once in a while, treat your hair to deep conditioning to nourish it and strengthen it.
  5. While drying your hair, avoid rubbing your towel on your hair too harshly. Also keep your hair dryer’s temperature low to avoid damaging your hair and developing split end again.

If you are careful with your hair, you can easily prevent spilt ends and keep your hair healthy and glossy.

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